Sunday, November 3, 2019

Abortion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Abortion - Assignment Example However, the main contention arises in an unusual circumstance, for example, when the mother’s life is at risk because of pregnancy condition or a pregnancy resulting from rape. These two scenarios develop a challenge on the first premise because it becomes difficult to measure and uphold the mother‘s right to life or that of the foetus. It follows that the child is considered as being innocent and the innocent life should not be terminated. Contrariwise, the mother’s life is at jeopardy and not committing abortion would not result in direct murder. This the author argues as a fallacious point due the risk the unborn child poses to the mother and in such a circumstance, abortion should be permitted. The second scenario arises when a woman is raped and in that instance, the pregnancy is not a result of self-will (Thomson 122). The pregnancy exists without the consent of the mother and abortion should be allowed according to the wishes of the mother. Nonetheless, in circumstances where the mother’s life is not at risk and the pregnancy occurred with the consent of the mother, abortion should not be allowed. The first argument fronted by Warren touches on the number of deaths recorded in instances where women procure illegal abortions. Illegal and informal abortions pose a great threat to the life of the mother and a threat to the society that loses its members. It is direct that pregnancies resulting from rape and incidents of unwanted pregnancies, abortion is a solution because the woman was not in control of the predicament she faces. However, in other circumstances the woman has the ability of avoiding pregnancy, but fails due to the lack of using contraceptives or the utter failure of contraceptives taken religiously. This circumstances result in unwanted pregnancies and the woman should not be forced to carry and take responsibility of a supposed person they lack any level of obligation (Thomson 128). The author argues based on rights

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